As part of IQ-EQ’s Sustainability Week, we focused on mental health awareness. Eliran Tal is a Client Service Manager in the Netherlands and he practises mindfulness in nature. After graduating from the MBA programme at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM), Eliran joined IQ-EQ with the intention to integrate mindfulness in every step of his path to become a leader who is seeking a positive change in himself and also within the business.
After talking to his manager about his passion for mindfulness – enjoyed through long vigorous hikes in nature, Eliran was granted an extended leave period, to start on a long mindfulness journey in the Peruvian Andes!
He didn’t leave IQ-EQ far behind him! Eliran commented: “Important things I carried with me in my backpack was a blank IQ-EQ notebook, which I used as a journal to track my thoughts and insights. While experiencing serenity and silence in nature, I can focus on my thoughts, take and adapt a broader resilient perspective on the challenges I am facing and adopt a growth mindset for a successful life. This journey brought me back to IQ-EQ with a motivation and action plan for positive changes.”