
Fund administration services

Investing in alternative funds requires specialised knowledge to navigate the complexities of diverse asset classes and fund structures. With our comprehensive range of alternative fund services, you can trust us to manage your investments with the utmost professionalism and transparency.

What type of funds can we administer?

  • Geography: No geographical restrictions. We administer funds investing globally, including Asia and Africa
  • Strategy: We support a wide range of alternative investment strategies, such as private equity, venture capital, hedge funds, private debt and credit funds
  • Structure: We have experience with diverse fund structures, including one-tiered, master-feeder, side-by-side, parallel vehicles, holding companies, protected cell companies, segregated portfolios and variable capital companies (VCCs)

What services can Mauritius support you with?

  • Structuring, formation and administration of the most appropriate fund structure
  • Drafting/review of constitutive documentation (including fund offering document) and agreements for investment funds
  • Provision of professional directors
  • Domiciliation services
  • Company secretarial services
  • Registrar and treasury services
  • Investor services including transfer agency and investor portal
  • Accounting services and Net Asset Value (NAV) calculation
  • Calculation of management and performance fees
  • Computation of carried interest and waterfall calculation
  • Maintenance of capital accounts
  • Bank account operation
  • Compliance and anti-money laundering
  • Assist with listing on the Stock Exchange of Mauritius, as necessary
  • FATCA and CRS reporting
  • ESG services

30+ years

experience and pioneer in the Financial Services industry



$150 billion

assets under administration

SSAE 18 / ISAE 3402 accredited and ISO 27001 certified


client entities

Get in touch

Mauritius is a well-recognised fund administration jurisdiction. Its favourable regulatory environment and extensive double tax treaty network make it a preferred domicile for global funds.

Mauritius can administer funds investing worldwide, including in Asia, Africa, the US, Europe and South America. Our expertise covers a diverse range of fund strategies and structures, such as private equity, venture capital, hedge funds, traditional one-tiered, master-feeder, and side-by-side funds.

Contact us today to learn more about our services.

Working with IQ-EQ has been seamless – you and your team understand our business, advise us appropriately, and handle your side of our collective partnership so that we can focus on making good investment decisions. Evan Gibson SVP, Merchants Capital

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